Friday, March 16, 2012

Comments and Captchas

Those captchas are a pain. When trying to comment on other blogs, it takes at least two tries for me to find something I can read and then enter into the little box. Getting notes from some readers who would comment and have the same issue, I decided to do something drastic. I have implemented DISQUS as a widget for comments. I believe it has been installed correctly. Not sure just yet. May take a day before I know for sure.

What does this mean to those who wish to comment on my blog. Not sure I entirely understand the process. I've done a little testing from a couple of different browsers. Clicking on the "comments" word, will bring up a menu to register or login. There are choices other than the DISQUS. I chose DISQUS to register my Yahoo email address. After I did that I was able to make my comment without having to enter captchas.

Once registered, subsequent comments will be easier since it will know who you are. 

This will continue to be a test of the new system. In this process -- you the reader and -- I am in the same situation. We will be learning as we go.

Don't want to comment here, send me an email. Click on the "email me" icon and shoot me your thoughts or experience with the new comment system.

Don't get a whole lot of comments now. With this new program, I may get even less. That's okay.


  1. Posting here on Chrome browser with the Yahoo email address

  2. Just testing out the new comment widget.

  3. I did not register but only posted as guests and it seemed to work.

  4. testing.... can you hear me now?

  5. Seeing if this works for me.

    Chris in Denver

  6. Trying a new version without captchas....

  7. No problem entering my comment.


Anonymous comments are no longer allowed. Regardless, comments are appreciated. Sometimes there may be a response from Wandrin Lloyd. Sometimes not. Regardless. Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. Leave a comment or send WandrinLloyd an email. Note: Ads disguised as comments will be deleted.