Saturday, January 1, 2011

Suggested Resolutions...

With the New Year, there seems to be the tradition of making resolutions. Personally, I make no resolutions. There never was a reason to wait until January 1st.

However, there are some resolutions I would recommend for others.

For those whose income is more than a million dollars a year: Resolve not to complain -- about anything.

For those newly elected Federal legislators (regardless of party affiliation): Resolve to cooperate and legislate in good faith remembering those whose votes elected you to that aristocratic office.

A corollary resolution for those same Federal legislators: Resolve to ignore the lobbyists and remember the voters.

To the sports idols with their multi million dollar salaries: Resolve to donate all endorsement money to charity.

To those celebrity shills for a product or service: Resolve to donate your shill income to charity.

To everyone listening/watching news regardless of the source: Resolve to think and be skeptical of a speakers point of view. Check for another point of view.

A suggested resolution for all:
Live fully each day of your life.
Love the life you live.
Live your love in all you do.

Finally....  Don't get too serious. Laugh a lot.

Oops. Almost forgot... Wishing you a great year 2011


  1. Happy New Year My Friend......
    Stay healthy......
    Travel with eyes wide open....
    Enjoy life to the fullest......

  2. Thanks, I needed that.
    Happy New Year Wandrin one.

  3. wishing the same to you lloyd...jil


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