Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Valuable Rust

When walking the Oceanside pier shortly before I left San Diego, I spotted this very valuable rusty vintage Schwinn bicycle. It must be valuable; it was locked to the pier railing.

As I was taking the photo, the guy from the nearby kitschy kiosk on the pier said that his previous rusty bike had been stolen. Not taking any chances with losing his transportation again, that valuable rust is locked up.


  1. Lived in Carlsbad for about 9 years and have staggered down that Oceanside pier from the restaurant at the end of the pier more than a few times. Great area!

  2. During my stay at the Oceanside Elks, I walked the pier several times watching the fishermen, the dolphins, the pelicans and just people watching. Didn't eat at Ruby's at the end of the pier.

  3. Clearly 'valuable' is in the eye of the beholder.


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