Why that window in the door of trailers. Provides light through the patterned glass. No one can see in nor can anyone see out. So what is the point of the glass. That doesn't stop the heat of the sun from sending solar energy into Wandrin Wagon. Time to do something about that issue. Put up with that for too many years.
Purchased a remnant of solar screen fabric. This was going to be an easy job. Or so I thought. I removed the screws of the frame on the inside. Cut and fit the solar screen over the window. Now put the frame back and... Oops. The outside part of the frame didn't stay. The whole thing -- frame, glass, solar screen -- fell to the ground. Wow. And the glass didn't break. So far so good.
After another hour of screwing the frame to the door and silicone glue, the project was finally complete. The solar screen was doing its job. It was cutting down the solar by 90%. The same thing could have been accomplished by painting the outside of the window with white paint.
Regardless. For me it was declared a success. There were no trips to the hardware store to finish the job. :-)
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