Yesterday morning when I left Yuma, the temps were still in the 40s. So I wore the long pants one more day -- all day as I drove to Tucson. With three rest stops and exceeding the self imposed limit of 150/200 mile journeys, it was 245 miles before I arrived at Voyager RV Resort. The Resort wasn't my first choice, but with my Thousand Trails membership it was the cheapest alternative for a month long stay in Tucson.
With mid 60s, today it was back to shorts. First task was to refill the empty propane tank as I recalled the previous cold nights. More errands and finally I faced the task that I put off -- for far too long. Could have been a month since Wandrin Wagon was last cleaned -- inside.
Outside cleaning was even longer. Never will get used to the idea of washing a home. Never did that with my sticks and bricks home. Washing is one thing, but the manufacturer also recommends waxing it. Jeesh.
Tomorrow more warm weather.... No. Wandrin Wagon will not get a bath.
since you are so close are we going to see you in benson???????Jil