Hey BRNX BOB, get in MICAH -- this FEOXIDE old car -- BCL UP and I'll show you around town. With money I would be driving MY4NCAT [Jaguar] with ZOLDFOX [elderly blond] at my side. The fantasy is that her philosophy is ♥2SCHMZ and I♥EVRY1. TRANQL and a BNK4EVR, a kept man could ask for no more.
GIMEABK.... Perhaps what I really want is a boat to be a RVR RDNT. But, rivers can be crowded. How about the hills with OFFRDR and RICH4X4 and we leave WGNRUTZ in the rear view mirror. The great part about hills is LVDAGRN and the SKBLUPK.
After a long drive, a raging hunger had to be satisfied. Pulling into the parking lot was the CANDKAR -- a copper colored Cooper convertible**.
Then it was fine dining at the PAK INN BUFFET.
**Working alliterative words into the story wasn't easy.

Excellent writing my friend.