Sunday, November 9, 2014

Another Pot Hole

During those 13 nomadic exploring years, I would occasionally experience some event that slowed down my travel. Most often it was a truck or trailer issue. The length of delay was usually just a few days. Nothing to complain about. Only twice did weather change my plans.

My road of life has had no serious hazards -- until now. Soon I will begin chemotherapy treatments. This is more than a just another pot hole.

It all started mid summer when I noted that the left testicle was different from the right. A visit to the urologist was followed by an ultrasound viewing. The experts determined the best thing was to perform an orchiectomy. (i.e. Removal of a testicle.) Ouch. Anesthetized, I felt no pain. When I saw the incision and the bruising in the groin, it was definitely an ouch experience and I was glad to have been unconscious.

The removed tissue was examined and studied by a pathologist. It was "testicular tissue with involvement by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.” Dangerous stuff.

That was followed by a PET Scan which found no other hot spots in the body. The chemotherapy is preventative to go after any cells that may have migrated to another part of the body and had not multiplied to a nodule that could be detected.

I am a healthy 74 year old guy. I take no medications nor do I have any other health issues. I go hiking three times a week. According to the doctors my body will handle the chemotherapy much better than many patients.

Even with all the assurances, it took weeks for me to get comfortable with proceeding with the treatment for lymphoma.

Before I finally made that decision, I slept poorly. There were hours of internet reading/studying. I talked to doctors. I talked to family and friends.

Thanks to medical research, scientists and doctors there is a positive future ahead. No doubt there will be some unpleasant days. Fortunately my home of sticks and bricks will make this four/five month long pot hole easier to handle.


  1. Lloyd, I am sorry for your health problem but I am glad you are in good hands with a good prognosis. As someone who has had 3 surgeries since June, I know somewhat of what you are going through. Your attitude is very healthy and so I think that is another good reason you will recover soon. We'll be thinking of you in prayer, you can count on that. Take care!

  2. Though we haven't met in real time I have learned much from you as you have shared your life. Your zest for life and spirit will carry you through any difficult days to come. Know that your rooting galley will be standing beside you all the way.

  3. Oh, Lloyd, we're so sorry to hear about this speed bump. Good for you that you both noticed the problem and acted on it. I know the chemo wasn't an easy decision, but it seems to make sense in case any of those bad cells escaped. Hopefully it won't be long before you're back to feeling 100%. Hugs

  4. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope you caught it in time, and that you have a bright future. Take care.

  5. Lloyd - sorry to hear of this news for you. I will pray for a full recovery from the process for you. I have enjoyed the years of interesting posts and awesome photos and look forward to more of both.

  6. Lloyd... you've been an inspiration to us during your travel years and now again as you battle this new demon. Our best support and hopes to you.

  7. Terrible news, Lloyd, but hopefully with today's medicine and your good health and attitude, you'll be back to normal before you know it. I'm glad you are living in a good, friendly community and have made so many friends there. That's also going to be very helpful. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. I am confident you will fill that pothole and get on with living like you always have. Good luck and a good choice of action.

  9. Aw Jeez I am sorry to hear about this. We are in Tucson for the winter. If you need driving, food or whatever, email me. We're in Rincon West.

  10. Well this news really sucks, Lloyd. I hope the treatment goes well and that you will be able to hike throughout. Keep us posted…

  11. You'll still have to put up with us this winter. We'll see you in Tucson in late February or early March!

  12. Lloyd, Sending healing thoughts your direction. Hopefully with your healthy body you can combat the few, if any, bad cells that may have escaped, then continue on with what you love to do. Take care of yourself. It sounds like you will have some fine support from friends in the area.

  13. So sorry to hear about this speed bump. Sending positive thoughts your way. You are fortunate to be in excellent health. I know you'll speed right through. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

  14. Please know that I am praying for you, Lloyd. May God provide for all your needs, including healing. Blessings...


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